Grumpy Weather Mood Based Weather not tell anybody, anywhere...
There are sooo many beautiful widgets out there.
But this one is different...
It is special. Very special.
It is the Amazing Grumpy Weather Widget!
You have never seen yet...!
Yeah, there is ALWAYS something wrong with weather!
- 3 days weather forecast (simply click widget)
- Minimal
- Customizable
- Unique
- Based on openWeatherMap
You can unlock different icons to make your widget even more unique...oh, yes, more grumpy :)
You can choose:
+ Grimmy the Reaper (the most popular!)
+ The Cat
+ Steve the dinosaur
+ Marvin the Yeti
+ Fred
+ Jack the Bunny
+ Brian the Dead One
+ Blob
This is WIDGET. You will not find it on applications list but on widget's list on your phone!
Only screenshots are censored, widget itself is not, so if you don't like it, just don't install the widget...
Widgets are only available if application is installed on the internal storage of your device. If you can't find Grumpy Weather Widget in the list of available widgets, make sure you haven't installed on the external storage!
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